Aug 21

To survive, the world must transition from fossil fuel to clean energy. The key to this is to make it mandatory for commercial facilities to adopt clean energy. But this can happen only when alternative energy – such as green hydrogen, green ammonia, solar and wind power, etc. – is available in bulk.

Into this scenario stepped L&T, rolling out a Green Energy business vertical in 2022. Its mandate is to offer green energy – in various forms – to India and to the world. Our cover story gives you a peep into this new business vertical of L&T.

Staying on the green track, L&T Precision Engineering & Systems’ CSR initiative has helped a Coimbatore village overcome its perennial water scarcity, fostering agriculture and allied livelihoods.

Career plans are one thing, career paths quite another. In an interview, Mr Sthaladipti Saha, Head – Buildings & Factories, L&T, offers a refreshing take on the twists and turns that led him to the pinnacle of success.

Also read about L&T’s opening a valve-manufacturing facility in Saudia Arabia, and Hyderabad Metro making a splash with its ‘office bubbles’ that unlock convenience for businesses and their workforce.

Then, there’s a new milestone: L&T’s flagship Management Development Programme recently mentored its 100th batch.

This issue covers all these interesting stories – and more.

 Happy reading!