May 17
WFH Worksheet
WFH Worksheet

Working-from-home (WFH) calls for a high sense of discipline amid several distractions. Part of that discipline is taking care of one’s physical and mental health so to stay fit and build up immunity.

In normal times, we get some exercise by simply going about our daily life – commuting to workplace, climbing stairs, walking through the office, shopping, socialising, etc. These activities keep us moving, expand energy and contribute to keeping us fit. All these change once we’re confined to a restricted space.

At home, we tend to spend most of our time sitting on a chair or lying on a couch. Sitting for long periods is associated with a number of health concerns, including obesity, increased blood pressure and diabetes.

Therefore, during times such as this lockdown, it is important to incorporate exercise into the routine. Here are some activities that can be undertaken within the confines of one’s home:


Energise your day with a morning workout. Yoga, stretching, spot-running, deep breathing, squats, skipping or Surya Namaskar – all these will get you going. Technology helps too – take your pick from the exercise videos online, many with peppy music to really jump-start your day!


Try to manage at least 20 minutes of meditation time to relax and rejuvenate. Meditation asks for little more than patience and perseverance. During this lockdown, L&T is offering the employees an online course on Art of Living, which is being facilitated by the Lonavla-based Leaning and Development Academy.


During working hours, take a five-minute walk break in your room every hour or so. Walking while on the phone is also a good way to incorporate mobility into your workday. You’ll return to your workspace renewed and refreshed.


Stretching, head rolls, leg stretches, hand exercises, Chair Surya Namaskar – you can do all these while sitting on your chair itself. Once in a while, stand up and sit down a few times.


Get your family to join in your morning exercise routine. In the evening, put on some music and get everyone to dance along. A good way to bond and keep fit at the same time!


Maids may be on a break, but domestic chores must go on. You can help with that, before or after your workday, or even during short breaks. There’s much to be done – making beds, dusting furniture, cleaning floors, wiping down the tiles, scrubbing doors and windows, cooking, dishwashing, loading and unloading the washing machine, ironing, tidying up. These are exercises with a purpose – you’ll get essential household chores done – and get a good workout at the same time!


Try not to spend all your free time on social media, but use your time constructively. Reading, online learning, taking online quizzes and tests, getting in touch with relatives and friends whom you have not contacted for a long time, calling up the lonely – these are some of the things you can do to enrich your life and the lives of others.


Try to get seven-eight hours of sound sleep every night. It will give your body a chance to rest, so that you wake up refreshed and ready for the challenges of the new day.

May 17
The Diet Diary
The Diet Diary

With the lockdown in place for COVID, a vast number of professionals are adapting to the new system of work-from-home (WFH) and hence, have several areas of concern.

Given the crunch in supplies of essentials, it is now imperative to figure out ways to prepare healthy meals with limited ingredients and know what to eat and when to eat.

The World Health Organisation says that: “A healthy and a well-balanced diet is vital to boost the immune system and helps to lower the risk of chronic illnesses and infectious diseases”.

Keeping this in mind, your diet should be well-balance and comprise:

  • Complex carbohydrates, as they also contain fibre. Example, whole-grain cereals like whole wheat, oats, millets, etc.
  • Protein-rich foods like pulses, beans, legumes, nuts, seeds, eggs, chicken breast, fish, lean and white meat, and dairy products.
  • All types of vegetables, including broccoli, mushrooms, spinach, sprouted green moong, etc.
  • All types of fruits.
  • Healthy fats like nuts and seeds. Adding these items to your diet, will provide enough vitamins and minerals and keep the immunity intact.



  • Wash vegetables with warm salt-and-vinegar water. This will easily remove dirt, pesticides and germs. Wash fruits in warm salt water and then dry with a clean cloth.
  • Blanche vegetables and suitable fruits to remove pesticide residues, decrease microbial load, retain nutritional value and preserve colour and flavour. To blanche, scald a vegetable in boiling water, remove after a brief interval and plunge it into iced water or cold running water.
  • All non-vegetarian food must be well-cooked. Avoid eating raw non-vegetarian food.
  • Instead of frying, choose healthy cooking methods such as steaming, boiling, poaching, etc. To retain the nutrients, cover the pan while cooking.



  • Eat three well-balanced meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner. People with digestive issues can take healthy meals in small portions every 2 hours. Do not forget to keep yourself hydrated. Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water a day.



  • Avoid ultra-processed and packaged foods that contain excess sugar, fat and salt. This will significantly lower risk of obesity, heart diseases, stroke, diabetes and certain types of cancer.
  • Reduce the consumption of tea and coffee. Avoid sweeteners, fruit juice concentrates, fizzy and soft drinks, as most of them contain high sugar.


Immunity cannot be built in a single day. One must have the patience to be consistent in incorporating a well-balanced diet into the lifestyle so as to be able to fight infections like COVID and many more.

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