Apr 14
Rich Haul
Rich Haul
L&T has clinched as many as 22 awards from the British Safety Council for measures ensuring health, safety and well-being of its employees. The honours are part of the International Safety Awards 2022 announced this March.
L&T’s bag includes a Distinction Award and 21 Merit Awards. The awards recognise and celebrate organisations from around the world that have shown true dedication over the last year to keeping their workers and workplaces healthy, safe and well.
While L&T as a whole won the Distinction Award, several L&T businesses and sub-verticals took away the Merit awards. These include L&T Construction and some of its arms such as the Water & Effluent Treatment, Power Transmission & Distribution (PT&D), and the Transportation Infrastructure (TI).
More specifically, some of L&T’s projects in India and abroad won the Merits awards. These include L&T Mumbai Metro Line 3, TI’s Delhi Airport Ltd Phase-3A, L&T Transmission Line Tower Kanchipuram, L&T Heavy Civil Infra’s Bengaluru Metro Rail Project, L&T Dhaka Mass Rapid Transit Development Project, PT&D’s 132 kV RSS with Cabling for Dhaka Metro and Minerals & Metals SBG Civil & Structural Works at UAIL in Odisha.
In all, 549 organisations of all sizes and sectors hailing from 39 countries worldwide had submitted nominations for the International Safety Awards 2022. The countries include the UK, China, India and the Middle East, as well as countries in Africa, South East Asia, and Central America.
The total number of successful entries this year was higher than in 2021, when 387 awards were given out. There is also a significant increase in the number of Distinctions awarded in 2022 as compared to 2021 – up from 13% to 21%.
Winning an International Safety Award requires organisations to show they are investing in their employees’ health, safety and wellbeing and that everyone from the top down make health and safety a core part of their work and inspire others to do the same,” says British Safety Council Chief Executive Mr Mike Robinson.



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