Jan 29
Energy Conservation Week at LDA
Energy Conservation Week at LDA

Despite being nestled in one of the greenest parts of the country, the idea of “green” isn’t lost on L&T’s Leadership Development Academy at Lonavala. The facility which for the last 20 years has helped ready a generation of business leaders for the Group leads from the front when it comes to staying green and saving energy.
From December 14th to 20th, LDA observed Energy Conservation Week and conducted a host of programmes as part of its commitment to the cause of sustainability. The facility, which employs 100+ workmen for the upkeep of the 17-acre campus, held talks and awareness sessions on the topic. Mr. Prakalp Gahankari and Mr. Suresh Karge made the participating workmen aware about the importance of saving electricity, reduction of waste and pollution. The workmen were also given educational flyers and handouts for calculating energy usage as part of the talks. Besides, the campus was decorated with posters, and messages that highlighted virtues of efficient energy management.

The workmen created a breathtakingly beautiful Rangoli at the learning centers and the dining hall using the theme. A team from LDA visited the Zilla Parishad School at Aundhe, a nearby village to spread awareness among children about the topic. It used posters, videos, quiz contests to drive home the message.

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