May 18
L&T’s Powai and Chennai Campuses Turn Carbon Neutral
L&T’s Powai and Chennai Campuses Turn Carbon Neutral

In a major development that reaffirms L&T’s commitment to environment and corporate sustainability, the Company’s Powai and Chennai campuses have achieved the rare feat of becoming Carbon Neutral. The facilities, which collectively emitted approximately 17432 tonnes of CO2 in FY 2016-17 were able to offset their entire GHG (Green House Gases) emissions and secure the distinction of being carbon neutral.

L&T has long striven towards becoming an energy efficient organization and has put in place measures across its manufacturing locations and project sites to conserve energy in a phased and structured manner. On a cumulative basis, L&T has been able to conserve 82 million KWh of energy which also implies that it saved 68000 tonnes of GHG emissions. Offsetting GHG emissions at two of its main campuses showcases L&T’s seriousness towards becoming carbon neutral in a phased manner.

For carbon offsetting, the Company adopted a three-pronged approach of energy conservation at campuses, adopting carbon mitigation/sequestration measures and gaining carbon credits from wind farms. L&T IDPL’s 8.7 MW of wind farms in South Tamil Nadu were registered as a clean development mechanism (CDM) project by United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in 2012. Between 2012 and March 2017, they have been able to reduce more than 54000 tonnes of CO2. This emission reduction was independently verified by Bureau Veritas by using CDM protocol and the principles of completeness, reliability, and accuracy.

Carbon offsetting of L&T campuses is a key initiative of the Company’s sustainability roadmap 2021.

May 18
LDA Leads the Way in Caring for Environment
LDA Leads the Way in Caring for Environment

Green as it may be, L&T’s Leadership Development Academy (LDA) at Lonavala never misses a chance to add to its green quotient or encourage others to do so. On March 22, 2018, the facility observed World Water Day and conducted talks to familiarize the gardening staff and the cafeteria teams with the virtues of saving water and making sure that the precious resource does not go to waste on their watch.

Two days later, on March 24, 2018, the folks over at the facility observed the Earth Hour and turned off all the non-essential lighting for a full hour between 8.30 pm and 9.30 pm. Expressing solidarity with the rest of the world towards caring for the planet, Earth Hour at LDA was more than just switching off lights though. A number of programmes and initiatives were organized at the facility to spread awareness about things like global warming, climate change, energy wastage, and the importance of recycling. Staff including house-keeping, electrical, cafeteria and maintenance teams were briefed about the topics through talk sessions and messaging which was put up throughout the facility.

Mr. Suresh Karge conducted a training program on the importance of energy and water saving, environmental awareness and how each of them could be help protect the planet.

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